Search Misty Moorings

Notes about RTMM 'search':

  • Part of the RTMM ethos is that it will provide its scenery free of charge yet operate ad-free. I believe this is the way we should continue, but in leveraging Google's search prowess, RTMM has no control as to what advertising content is displayed on the Google search results page and thus does not accept any responsibility in this respect nor for the results and links displayed.
  • To block ads on all web pages, I suggest using the 'Adblock Plus' add-on for Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers. It can be found here: "". Be aware that some sites will not display content if you are using Adblock, but you can disable it for specific sites easily enough.
RTMM does NOT receive any income or any other benefit from these ads, either from Google or any other 3rd party. They are Google's ads [it's how they make their money and can provide free custom search utilities like this one], but if you would like to help out the site by chipping in towards our expenses, our 2020 fundraiser is open - and we appreciate any support!


-Dan, RTMM Web Admin
